just getting started
Jeremiah Tree Foundation grew out of our own experiences as a family caring for our two youngest daughters who had more comprehensive disabilities. As we raise awareness about the issues people with disabilities and chronic illness face daily and create opportunities to encourage and build meaningful relationships we must all continue the dialogue about the importance of everyone’s place in communities. People with disabilities and chronic illness have the same desires of all of us – to live in an inclusive community of their choice with access to quality healthcare, education, and meaningful employment as they live valued lives. Our goal as we create a community-centered space is for everyone to feel accepted, included, and supported regardless of diagnosis or prognosis.

Our goal as we create a community-centered space is for everyone to feel accepted, included, and supported regardless of diagnosis or prognosis. We can all care for our neighbors in meaningful ways – by treating everyone with value and respect, offering acceptance, and extending hospitality.
from the blog

jeremiah tree foundation
PO Box 971 / Ona, WV 25545
Deborah Davis | ddavis@jeremiahtreefoundation.org
86-3050824 501(c)3 Charitable Nonprofit in West Virginia offering support to families caring for a loved one with disabilities or chronic illness.